What Is GRIT?

GRIT is a wireless automation platform for workshops. We have a large product line to satisfy the diverse range of machinery that are found in woodshops, metal shops, and makerspaces. Here is how it works:

Every system starts with the GRIT Hub. This device is responsible for communicating with all the GRIT devices through our Mesh network. The mesh network allows GRIT to operate wirelessly without the need for WiFi. Because the wireless communication sits on a mesh network, GRIT can scale out to very large physical installations effortlessly. Add to this the system does not require internet because it stores all the data locally. The data always stays with you onsite and secure.

Shop health and safety is our #1 mission statement. The GRIT Trigger is responsible for tool lockout, we call this GRIT Lock. Every tool in your shop will get a Trigger. A Tool plugs into a Trigger for power monitoring. The Trigger is in constant communication with the Hub sharing the exact state of the tool to enable blast gate, dust collection, and air filter automation.

Blast gate automation is performed by our GRIT Gate products. The GRIT Gate actuators retrofit onto any metal blast gate, including Nordfab style gates. Our actuators will automate metal blast gates from 2 1/2″ – 12″. The GRIT App configures which gates should be open for each tool that has a Trigger connected.

GRIT has an automation product for Air filters, the GRIT Air Quality device. It will turn an associated air filter on/off when the particulate matter in the air meets configured thresholds. Plus, the system can automatically turn on an air filter when a tool is turned on, pre-emptively begin filtering the air when certain tools are operated, without waiting for the dusty air to migrate to the sensor.

Blast gate automation is performed by our GRIT Gate products. The GRIT Gate actuators retrofit onto any metal blast gate, including Nordfab style gates. Our actuators will automate metal blast gates from 2 1/2″ – 12″. The GRIT App configures which gates should be open for each tool that has a Trigger connected.

Automated dust collection works via our GRIT Collector devices. Each dust collector that should be turned on/off will have a Collector device. We offer a range of Collector devices and can control any type. Additionally we have a GRIT VFD Collector device for Variable Frequency Drives. Shops that have large fan motors for dust collection can use a VFD to control the speed of the collector. GRIT will automatically control the motor speed depending on the tools. This can have massive electricity savings implications.
GRIT Track® Systems

GRIT Automation has created the only access control built specifically for securing tools and equipment. Locking equipment is essential to maintaining a safe shop environment and culture. With the combination of the GRIT Hub, GRIT Trigger, and GRIT Track RFiD, control which tools can be used by which users and at which times.

GRIT Track SignOn System creates flexibility for managing tool access for large, ever-changing groups of users. Users can use personal identification to swipe or scan into the system and access a temporary GRIT RFiD card loaded with their personalized permissions. The SignOn System also provides in/out time tracking for the shop, job codes, and bulk edit and database integration functionality.

Track everything from hand tools to sandpaper. The Asset Management solution from GRIT Automation allows shops to check-in/check-out tools and manage consumables in an integrated platform that flows seamlessly into GRIT Track users and permissions. GRIT automatically creates assets for all your shop triggers, allowing you to store manuals, repair notes, and links. A single location for all your organizational needs.